Welcome to our first blog post!  We will be discussing how Securibook can be used by companies and individuals to monetise no-shows and cancellations!

Should You Charge for No-Shows?

There are many reasons why people fail to attend appointments.  Some reasons are unavoidable due to family emergencies.  Other reasons may due to a forgetful customer, or indeed a customer that has no intention of attending.

Either way, the beauty of Securibook is that no-show fees can be charged entirely at the discretion of the company/individual providing the service.  The no-show fee can be configured for each booking type and each booking request.

Should You Charge for Cancellations?

Cancellations can be frustrating for companies/individuals providing a service, especially if they have allocated the time and perhaps even purchased stock to fulfil the booking.

Cancellation fees can also be charged entirely at the discretion of the company/individual providing the service.  The cancellation fee and minimum notice period can be configured for each booking type and each booking request.

Monetise No-Shows and Cancellations

Monetising no-shows and cancellations should be standard practise for any company or individual providing a service.  Your customers must understand that time equals money, and that there are costs associated with people skipping or cancelling appointments.

By having a no-show and cancellation policy, you will also reduce the number of people that skip appointments and in turn increase the quality of your customers.

Using Securibook also benefits the customer in that they do not need to make any deposit payment up front.  Customers simply provide a payment method that the service provided can charge against should they not attend/cancel their appointment with insufficient notice.

Find out how it works in more detail and register your account.